As for the half-marathon. I felt like I was really ready to run this race. We drove to Dallas and were having a great time. We went to the expo and saw many people we knew from Lubbock that were running as well. That made it all the more exciting. So when we get in line for the race we look ahead as far as we can see and there is a huge mob of people. 20,000 give or take. It was crazy trying to run shoulder to shoulder with so many strangers. So the first nine miles were great! We were doing awesome on pace and felt good. Then my feet decided to start hurting. I had gotten some huge blisters on the balls of my feet which isn't so bad except one of them popped. From then on I had to run on the outside edge of my foot. I couldn't do it so my time was not what I hoped it would be but I did finish. I ending up walking on the edges of my feet for about a week and a half. It was miserable. As for Gary, Bec and Ben, well they did great and I am so proud of them.